Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sim Card: Italy - 2011

Ok, let's talk about Sim Cards now, shall we?

On my last trip, when I went to Italy that is, I tried using my mobile phone (still roaming with Celcom) sms-ing a friend in Rome. I didn't get any reply from my friend at all and when I had the chance to go online using the hotel's free wifi, I asked my friend about this problem.

Sometimes it causes problem when sending an sms using a Malaysian number. He said to buy a local sim card.

I went to the nearest mobile phone shop at the main train station and got myself a sim card. It costs EUR5 and has a EUR5 credit for sms & calls. I didn't ask about data plans as I don't have an android phone nor Iphone.

I just bought whichever was recommended by the sales assistant from the mobile phone shop.

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