Thursday, August 11, 2011

Destination: Bali Part 1

Day 1
Date: 26 January 2009

We flew with Air Asia but the air ticket costs us RM1.2k each, which was expensive, considering it was Chinese New Year and a last minute purchase.

I don't remember how long it took us to get to Bali but I think it's about 4 hours.

Ah, we landed finally. We stayed at Hard Rock Hotel Bali in Kuta. It included the return pick up to and from the airport.

Our driver picked us up right on time! Such a nice fellow.

It took us about 20 minutes to arrive the hotel.

Oh gosh, the blue pillow just had to follow me everywhere!

Ahh, the warm welcome by the HRH Bali staff. Love this picture to the max. Do you feel like you're really there?

We walked around Kuta for abit after checking in.

Some alley selling t-shirts and dresses.

This is the entrance of Kuta Beach. There are probably a few though.

I present to you - Kuta Beach. There were a few locals selling sunglasses and souviners.

Look! Ronald McDonald's surfing, only in Bali!

We went to this restaurant by the beach, recommended by the taxi driver.

Nice candle holder.

Nice view of the beach.

Lovely sunset.

Nice band playing.

Ahh, what a nice first day in Bali!

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