Thursday, May 5, 2011

Destination: Melbourne Part 1

Day 2
Date: 17 October 2009

We had dimsum with my cousin and cousin in law before heading out. Her husband suggested that we go up to Mount Macedon. Not actually a mountain, more like a hill.

As you can see, it is cloudy and chilly that day. We had to stop by cousin's place to loan some jackets.

Mount Macedon (pronounced /maʊnt ˈmæsɨdən/) is a small town located 64 kilometres (40 mi) northwest of Melbourne in the Australian state of Victoria. Source: Wikipedia

We parked our car at the designated parking lot and walked towards the Mount Macedon Memorial Cross. It was sort of the end of the trail.

Looks eerie isn't it? Like some kind of horror flick where someone or something was about to jump out and scare the crap out of us.

There! That's the memorial cross! Huge isn't it?

This structure was established by early resident William Cameron in 1935 as a memorial to those who died in World War I. Source: Wikipedia

Useless fogs. Otherwise we could've had a really nice view.

We then headed to Hanging Rock Winery. It was only about 15 mins drive from Mount Macedon but we sort of got lost along the way.

After a few left and right turns, we managed to get to the winery.

The view was amazing! I love all the greeneries!

We tried a few types of wine but I didn't like it except for the desert wine. Wine tastes a bit dry and bitter for me.

It was slightly crowded that day as there were another group of people, trying out wine as well.

Nice wine shelf!


More wine!

The wine boxes are so pretty!

Look at that. I would love to have a barbeque here!

Hanging Rock (formally known as Mount Diogenes), in Central Victoria, Australia, is a distinctive geological formation, 718m above sea level (105m above plain level) on the plain between the two small townships of Newham and Hesket, approximately 70 km north-west of Melbourne and a few kilometres north of Mount Macedon, a former volcano. Best known as the site where a fictional party of schoolgirls disappeared in February 1900 in the book Picnic at Hanging Rock, Hanging Rock is located within the Wurundjeri nation's territory. Source: Wikipedia

We then headed to Max Brenner. I'm not really sure if it's the most famous chocolate shop/cafe in Melbourne but the hot chocolate was really really thick and creamy.

My hot chocolate. Yummy, but a little too creamy after a few sips. I prefer the ones in Rome. 

OMG! Look at the bill!

The white chocolate drink tasted like condensed milk. LOL

My cousin and cousin in law had these deserts. Too sweet for me!

Look at all the shelves full of chocolates!

We headed back to the city after that. Look at the traffic!!!! 

We went for a walk down Swanston Street. Nothing much really. Just night views with lots of lights.

It was very quiet at night. Maybe they were all at home watching TV or resting or relaxing with the family.

Love the trees!

This should be the main train station - according to my sister.

We walked all the way from Russell Street (where my sister was staying) to the Casino - I forgot the name of the building and then back.

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