Thursday, May 19, 2011

Destination: Melbourne Part 3

Day 4
Date: 19 October 2009

We took the city tram to DFO South Warth. My cousin and cousin in law were really so nice to dropped us off at the entrance before heading out to do their grocery shopping.

Okay, turn left!

Opps, I mean turn right.

Now, we turn left.

We have arrived at our destination.

Nothing much to shop around. A mixture of imported and local brands. I managed to get a skirt and a scarf.

We went ove to St Kilda's right after.

Cousin and cousin in law decided that we should have a beer.

It was a little chilly though. There were a few people cycling or bringing their dogs for walks.

I wish I had packed some food for a picnic. Such a nice day today!

We then headed to Chapel Street for dinner at one of the Thai Restaurant. But before that, we had a short walk around.

The food was really good though. I've always liked Tom Yam Kung.

It wasn't cheap tough. A big bowl of rice costs about AUD20 or so. I don't remember. I thought it would be like a really huge salad bowl full of rice but no. It's just a medium sized bowl. Rice is really expensive in Australia.

Before we knew it, it was already getting dark. Shops are starting to close but it's quite a view at night.

We decided to have some coffee/tea before we headed home.

Cousin in law was saying 'Stop taking pictures already!'. I think he wanted to have his drink right there and then.

The red cup is my tea! I'm going to hunt for tea cups with saucers like this. So cute!

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