Thursday, March 24, 2011

Destination: Pisa

Day 2
Date: 31 January 2011

I bought the train ticket to Pisa online - about 2 weeks prior to my trip. You can check out TrenItalia's website for any purchase of train tickets within Italy. I manage to get a 'Mini' fare ticket to Pisa for €20 each way. Normal price would be around €39.50.

I had a breakfast at one of Termini Station's cafe. I got myself a cup of hot chocolate (€2.50) and a panini with cheese (I think it's mozarella as it's slightly tasteless and gooey) with some kind of grean leafy vege inside (€2.50).

I liked the hot chocolate very much. It's very thick, sweet and strong taste of cocoa. Unlike Melbourne's Max Brenner - it tasted like melted creamy chocolate bar. Didn't like the panini much though.

Termini Station

I was looking at my watch and it's only 8.04am. My train leaves at 8.07am so I thought I'd walk slowly to the platform. Upon reaching the platform, I saw a train, just leaving the platform. OMG. I looked at the time on the announcement board - it's 8.08am. My watch was slower by 4 mins and I missed the train by 1 min!

I got a little upset that I missed the train. I was thinking if I should still go to Pisa and then decided to get another ticket. The new ticket is €31. I could've changed the departure time of the ticket if I had bought a normal priced ticket. Apparently the 'Mini' ticket is of a promotional fare. Totally non-exchangeable.

Lesson: Please set your watch according to the train station's announcement board!

I was so eager to get to Pisa. Mainly because I want to see the Leaning Tower. I wonder how far it's leaning out.

Pisa Centrale - aka main train station

Walking out from Pisa Centrale, it seems much calmer than and less 'city' like than Rome. Well obvious, Pisa is just a small town compared!

I did write down the directions on how to get to the Leaning Tower, however, the directions didn't get any easier. It's not so easy to navigate in Pisa or Rome (well, to me anyway).

I was following the crowd. Well, I thought they were all heading to the Leaning Tower but I was wrong, they were catching a bus. Duh! Anyway, as I was walking, I walked upon this small street.

There were a few nice shops opened. I later found out from my friend Ed that most shops are closed from lunch time till about 3pm. I managed to get an MNG blouse for €5.95 and a pair of Promod shorts for €14.95. Everything was on sale. I was lucky to be able to get both at such affordable prices. Luckily they have both in my size.

At the end of this street is this river. The buildings that line along the river looked really nice. It might not be Venice but, it's good enough for me!

Finally, after walking straight, asking around the locals for directions, I managed to get to where I was supposed to go to! Phew!

It seems like it's sinking in and not really leaning too bad. The building looks really good actually, looks like it's made of marble and clean too.

Had a late lunch at this quaint little restaurant. The lasagna wasn't as good as I thought it'd be though.

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