Monday, September 22, 2014

Next trip: Austria & Czech Republic with a hint of Slovakia

I took time off from work for my November 2014 trip.

This time I am heading to Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia (just a hint though).

I purchased the air ticket from Lufthansa during Matta Fair in September.

Flight: KUL-VIE/PRG-KUL bought at RM2404. What a bargain! However, when I wanted to book the seats, I am suppose to pay a fee! So... I didn't book a seat. :( There goes my window seat!

I have wanted to visit Prague for the longest time and now I am! :D

Going forward, I will try to document all my trips as accurate with where I have my meals, tours that I've bought and etc.

Accommodations for Vienna, Salzburg, Cesky Krumlov and Brno has been booked. All on

If you want a voucher of USD25 on airbnb, do signup here.

Accommodation for Prague will be booked a little later this week!

Breakdown so far
Air Ticket - RM2404
Vienna €117 (3 nights)
Salzburg €152 (3 nights)
Cesky Krumlov €95 (2 nights)
Brno €82 (3 nights)
Train (Vienna >> Salzburg) €19 (online promotion price)
Bean Shuttle (Salzburg >> Cesky Krumlov) €35

Will update again once I have more deeds!

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