Sunday, October 9, 2011

Destination: Tokyo Part 4

Day 4
Date: 17 February 2008

Today, I decided to hike all the way to Hakone.

Just kidding. That's Shinjuku. I'm heading to Gotemba Premium Oulet for some shopping!

According to the factory outlet's website here. I've found out that the Odakyu Hakone Bus offers the cheapest price for a return ticket. It's much cheaper than taking the JR train to Gotemba Station and then the free shuttle to the factory outlet.

The return ticket costed me ¥2900 which translates to RM87. A little pricy but it's a 2 hour bus ride though.

I don't remember if they did any stops between Shinjuku and Gotemba Station or not but, it quite a good ride.

I was actually lost looking for the bus stop. When I finally decided to ask someone, I approached a Japanese lady and I showed her the ticket. She couldn't speak any English at all. Oh my! But she told me to walk straight and I did. Halfway walking, she shouted at me and said sorry and pointed me to the right direction. It was almost 1pm (my bus departs then) and I was lucky that it was 1 minute to 1pm and I managed to catch the bus! Phew! Japanese are so punctual. When they say they depart at 1pm, they depart at 1pm SHARP!

The bus stops at Gotemba Station. I got down and waited for the free shuttle bus to the outlet. It was another 15 minutes drive.

Gap!!! My favourite brand. I got a pair of jeans for less than RM150 and a polo shirt for maybe RM60! What a bargain! The factory outlet was huge but it was only half done though. There were still construction at the other side of the outlet. I'm not really sure if it was an expansion or was it that the whole place was just half done.

There's even a playground there!

And I saw snow for the first time in my life. Melted snow to be exact. Snow from the Genting Snow House does not count!

A better view of the playground.

More shopping!

That's the bridge connecting to the other side of the outlet. The view is spectacular!

See how high the bridge is? More snow!

Cute doggie!!!

That's the singing moose! Too bad I didn't take any video of it. It was hilarious seeing the 3 heads sing and move!

That's the only picture I have of Mount Fuji.  What a day!

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