Thursday, April 14, 2011

Destinaton: Rome - Part 4

Day 5
Date: 03 February 2011

I decided to do a walking tour today. It wasn't easy to navigate in Rome. Road signs were barely visible. When I first look for the road signs, I was thinking 'Where the hell are the road signs?!'. Apparently it's located at the walls of the buildings. Duh!

Anyway, I had lunch at this particular restaurant (forgot the name) at Via Nazionale. It was OK and the price was so-so. I think the restaurant at Termini Station called Ciao was so much better.

And I thought this was the Spanish Steps. Haha! Anyway, I'm heading to Trevi Fountain, The Pantheon and Spanish Steps.

I kept walking. Hoping to find the fountain soon. As my feet are getting tired from walking non-stop.

Finally found it! It was huge and again, looks like it's made of marble. I didn't throw in a coin or 2 or 3.

I found a nice souviner shop at this alley. It was cheap!


So this is The Pantheon. I initially thought it was some kind of museum but I was wrong. I also expected it to be bigger but it is not! But entrance was free. Apparently a friend told me that the hole at the ceiling isn't even covered by glass. Hrm...

I sat in the church for awhile. To look at the interiors. It was amazing and surprisingly I felt very calm.

I walked pass by this columns. I have no idea what it was before or anything. Just thought it looked cool.

Trying to be artsy here.

Next stop - Spanish Steps. Now where is the Spanish Steps?

Well, this is the Spanish Steps.

Ooh! Prada!

Anyway, that sums up my trip to Rome & Pisa for this time around.

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