Thursday, July 21, 2011

Destination: Kota Kinabalu Part 1

Day 1
Date: 12 September 2008

Born and bred in Kuching, I can ashamedly say that this is the first time that I've step foot in Sabah.

I didn't really do much today as I arrived at around noon.

I decided to explore the resort's ground. Amazingly it was huge.

It is situated by the harbour so, there isn't any beach front.

This is the closest to sand that I can find around the resort. LOL

Dad, can I have one of the boats please? Ah, this is the harbour that I'm talking about.

Nice greens that I saw.

A better view of the harbour. The buildings with the red roofs are The Magellan Sutera Resort - also part of the Sutera Harbour Resort but I hear that it's supposed to be double of The Pacific Sutera Hotel.

Seriously, I would love to have this view from where I live but unfortunately, no. I could just stare into the sunset everyday!

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