Sunday, January 8, 2012

Destination2: Tokyo - 2011

Date: 01 - 09 September 2011

My 2nd time to Tokyo, Japan. I was quite excited about this trip as I purchased the ticket right after I came back from Italy in January this year.

My first time on Air Asia X! Seat pitch looks good! Seat were comfy enough. The flight was fully booked!

That's Harajuku at night. I think it's probably much more crowded in the afternoon but it's dinner time when I walked by with my friends. I met L from Germany. He's studying the Japanese language for the summer.

He brought us to an authentic okonomiyaki restaurant right in the corner somwhere. This is how it looks like before we put everything on the pan to be fried.

Looks good doesn't it? It's delicious!

More! Yums......

That's our karaoke session right after dinner. Amazing how every karaokes there are fully booked. I guess maybe singing's everyone's past time! It was a fun one!

So this is the famous Shibuya crosswalk which I didn't get to visit too the last time I was here! I was at the 'wrong side' of the station then. It's not actually that big though, comparable to KL's crosswalk right smack between Lot 10 & Sungei Wang Plaza.

My try on a Panaromic view of the crosswalk. I think next time round, I need to be here when night falls, it would've looked so much better with all the lights.

Saw this 'standing only' sushi bar. OMG, the salmon sushi was to die for! It's delicious! But I wasn't that hungry then, only had about 8 salmon sushis because that's my favourite.

It's all handmade, unlike here!

Also, I went to Ginza again. Apple store.... they're everywhere!

And I have no idea why I didn't take a photo of Abercrombie & Fitch's store. OMG, girls, you have got to go there. All the sales people in A&F are gorgeous. It's like they just walked out of the poster! Seriously! I was too shy to ask for photographs with them, so yea. I am so going to take photos of them A&F boys in Madrid this year! Yay - 2 more weeks to go!

My 2nd time round to Sensoji Temple. I was meeting up with a new Korean American friend E. It's always nice to know new people! I thought he was a Korean Korean (if you know what I mean) until he spoke with perfect American English! Sorry E!

Looks totally different in Autumn! Less people too. Maybe they don't like the heat and humidity much to want to go out?

I guess that was about it for now. I hope to go back to Tokyo again in 2012 or 2013. I miss that place and also the shopping. Things are really cheap at the Gotemba Premium Outlet!

Sorry for the boring post!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!!

Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure how many of you read my blog but I would like to wish everyone a very happy new year!

I don't have any resolutions for this year as I usually don't have any every year.

However, I do want to be able to travel more next year and also score cheaper air tickets if possible! Also I've got to plan up on the decos of my new place (which I will be moving into in 2013!).

2011 has been a really good year for me, travelling the most in a year, I covered Italy (the no 1 spot that I really want to go to), Phi Phi Island with my mate M (best island ever!), Japan (again! This time it's a shopping trip - and it will be a shopping trip from then onwards) & Redang Island (this is a company trip so... yea).

I've also recently bought a Deuter Giga backpack for comfortability during travel as I always travel with a laptop.

Before this, I was using the Targus backpack which my office provides (for my work laptop) to trips and the bag sucks balls. It's just not a good bag! I hope Deuter Giga will change the way I carry my laptop forever for my trips. I've yet to use it but definately using it for my next trip onwards.

Next purchase: I was really tempted to buy a proper backpacking backpack but unfortunately they are all extremely expensive and also too big for my liking. I don't have strong shoulders, so, I don't think that'll work.

I did purchase a duffel bag from Osprey. It's called the Transporter 60L.

The good thing about this bag is, it has a really good warranty if the bag has some kind of tear and what not. The sales person did tell me that some of his customers, which has brought in a defected bag (be it by manufacturer or by use), it will be repaired or replaced if it can't be repaired, so it sounded like it's worth the purchase. It's RM250.

Another good thing about this bag is that, it has a simple shoulder strap, which is tucked in one of the side zippers, where you can connect it to the other end so you can carry it over your shoulder like a backpack.

So, it seemed really convinient for me. I don't really pack much stuff during travelling so I think the strap will be able to hold as I only will carry it from the airport to the accomodation and back.

Oh yea, if you are back from your travels, you can just fold everything up and store it in the small zip bag. Convinient or what?

Edited to add: It's not a small zip bag that you put it into but if you fold as per the instruction, you will use the zipper that is already in the bag, to zip it inside out so it becomes compact. Makes sense?

Let's just hope I feel comfortable using this when I go to Europe - hrm, in another 2 weeks.

That's all for now!